The vast variety of sports taught at Highfields, including team sports, such as Cricket, Football, Netball, Rugby and Hockey, as well as individual sports, such as Archery, Sailing, and Tennis, means children have every opportunity to find a sport they love.

Speech and Drama
Music Department

Music Curriculum

Individual Music Lessons

Living Well

Physical Education (PE) is greatly valued as part of the school curriculum. As well as promoting a healthy lifestyle, the children develop confidence, self-esteem and social skills. All pupils gain an understanding of what is involved in team membership and learn to appreciate fair play and sportsmanship, as well as an opportunity to begin to realise their sporting potential.

We employ PE specialists to deliver programmes of study across all key stages. In Pre-Prep, all children participate in at least one hour of PE per week. Lessons cover fundamental movement skills, dance and gymnastics.

Sport for All

In Prep, in addition to PE, the children enjoy two hours of Games lessons, undertaking a variety of activities within the PE spectrum. Swimming is introduced to all children in Reception and takes place every week of the school year until the end of Pre-Prep, developing stroke technique as well as personal survival and rescue competencies.

We also offer a number of residential opportunities to encourage the children to develop independence and experience learning within diverse and challenging environments, along with a variety of outdoor and adventurous activities.

We have fourteen acres of parkland within our spacious grounds, providing a great setting for our many sporting activities. These include several maintained sports pitches, a MUGA all weather pitch and a large, indoor sports hall, so we can enjoy sports whatever the weather.

We have two Sports Captains in Form 6, elected by the school community who play a strong role in supporting our Head of PE in both shaping the PE curriculum and initiating new sporting activity ideas and events each year. Highfields plays an active part in inter-school competition and teams compete regularly in regional and national fixtures and events.

Active Enrichment

Our excellent Active Enrichment Programme at Highfields is a stunning curriculum in the very broadest sense of the word. It has been designed to excite, inspire and extend pupils’ skills, expertise and self-esteem to optimise their personal, life and leadership skills.

It has also been designed to allow children to embark on a journey of discovery to unearth talent, discover new interests and optimise their capabilities and confidence. Our enrichment activities balance our wider academic curriculum and ensure our pupils have a healthy balance of learning experiences, supporting well-being and mental health.

A Programme of Outstanding Opportunities

Our Active Enrichment programme facilitates opportunities for collaboration, team building, problem solving and the development of resilience and resourcefulness.  It also teaches children to manage risk-taking in a safe and supportive environment.

Drawing on a strong portfolio of sporting professionals, with whom we work in partnership, our pupils participate in weekly swimming tuition – from our Reception class to Form 6 – with the programme also including kayaking, trampolining, street dance, orienteering, archery and qualifications in life saving and sailing.

Our goal is for our pupils to leave us well equipped for senior school and the next stage of their lives. We want them to feel self-reliant and confident in their own abilities, knowing their strengths and being able to use transferable skills from Active Enrichment in other areas of their lives.

ISI Endorsement

In our most recent ISI inspection, the report states:

“There is a culture of achievement through challenge, for example through the Active Enrichment programme and the chances that they get to take part in activities such as sailing and golf. Achievement is inclusive, for example, every pupil gains sailing qualifications by the time they leave school…  Pupils are highly successful in their achievements outside the formal curriculum.”

At Highfields, children gain so much more than a formal education. Our priority is for our pupils to have a broad and balanced curriculum with physical and mental well-being at its core. We are immensely proud of our Active Enrichment programme which helps us to meet this goal.

Our Active Enrichment offering provides children with so many experiences and skills to support their education – why not book a visit to see more!

Book your place on our next Open Morning 26th April 10am-12noon!

“There’s just something special about this place, that just makes you want to be here”